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Emerald Jewelry

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Emerald Jewelry

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  • Alexey

    Got a wonderful result! Everything was fast enough, quickly, and efficiently. They showed us everything, discussed all the details, and agreed with us. I think that everyone should...


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FAQ: Emerald Jewelry

How to clean emerald jewelry?

To clean emerald jewelry and maintain its beauty, follow these steps: Gentle Cleaning: Use a soft, lint-free cloth or a soft-bristle toothbrush to remove any surface dirt or debris. Gently wipe the emerald without applying excessive pressure. Mild Soap Solution: Create a mixture of lukewarm water and a mild, non-abrasive dish soap. Dip the emerald jewelry into the soapy water and use the soft brush to clean the emerald and the surrounding metal. Rinse and Dry: Rinse the jewelry with clean water to remove any soap residue. Pat it dry with a clean, soft cloth. Ensure it's completely dry before storing. Avoid Harsh Chemicals: Never use harsh chemicals, ultrasonic cleaners, or steam cleaners on emeralds, as they can damage the stone and its setting. Store Carefully: Store your emerald jewelry in a separate compartment or a soft pouch to prevent scratching. Avoid contact with other hard materials.

What is emerald jewelry, and what makes emeralds special in the world of fine jewelry?

Emerald jewelry features the vibrant and captivating green gemstone known as emerald, celebrated for its exceptional color and allure.

What types of emerald jewelry are available, and how can they enhance your style?

Emerald jewelry includes a wide range of items, from rings and necklaces to earrings and bracelets, each adding a touch of elegance and color to your ensemble.

What should you consider when selecting the perfect piece of emerald jewelry?

Consider factors like emerald quality, metal type, design, and your personal preferences when choosing emerald jewelry.
Prices for Emerald Jewelry in Hong Kong
3 carat Emerald Ring with Side Diamonds Baguette HK$279
Emerald Stud Earrings in White Gold HK$121
Stylish Square Emerald Ring in 18K Rose Gold HK$197
1/2 carat Round Emerald on White Gold Chain HK$92
Emerald Cross Pendant HK$185
☑ Products category Jewelry
☑ Products quantity in the catalog 34
☑ The cheapest product price HK$92,750
☑ The most expensive product price HK$279,530